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Grey Bruce hosting Fall Job Fair to Address Labour Shortages

In response to local labour shortages, partners of the Grey Bruce Virtual Job Fair are planning a Fall edition on Tuesday, November 23, 2021 from 2 until 7pm. Employers can now register for a virtual booth at Spaces are limited

The two events held earlier this year in March and April saw participation from 174 employers and 970 job seekers.

Organizers are expecting to see 80 to 100 employers register for the event with full-time, part-time, seasonal and student positions available and all industries represented.

Registration for job seekers opens the first week of November.

YMCA Employment Services and VPI Working Solutions are available to assist job seekers with writing/updating their resume, preparing for a virtual interview, building their online profile and answering questions.

The 2021 Grey Bruce Virtual Job Fair Fall Edition is a partnership with Grey County, Bruce County, YMCA Employment Services, VPI Solutions, Four County Labour Market Planning Board and Georgian College.

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