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Kincardine continues work on possible Water Servicing Agreement with Bruce Power

Kincardine continues work on possible Water Servicing Agreement with Bruce Power

The Municipality of Kincardine received an FYI Report at Monday’s Council Meeting on the possible servicing of Bruce Power with Municipal water.

Bruce Power approached Kincardine in 2017 looking to hook up and both have worked their way through steps including a Technical Review of Feasibility, Environmental Assessment, Preliminary Design Report and Cost Estimate.

Work done to date for the Municipality has been covered by Bruce Power.

Ward 2 Councillor Bill Stewart questioned who exactly the Municipality should be signing a Water Servicing Agreement with; Bruce Power or the land owner Ontario Power Generation.

“We don’t usually do agreements with leasees. We usually do agreements with property owners. I just want to make sure. I don’t want to get into your agreement with Bruce Power and OPG. It would probably fill the whole room.”

A Water Servicing Agreement would see Bruce Powert become a municipal water customer for its potable water supply only.

Bruce Power would continue to source lake water for all nuclear systems, including reactor cooling and fire suppression.

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