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North Huron parking bylaw doesn’t pass due to time limit issue

North Huron council will reconsider updates to their parking by-law after hearing concerns from local businesses about the current two-hour time limit downtown.

Rachel King, Blyth Festival general manager spoke told council the two-hour limit can cause issues when it comes to festival goers, pointing to how Stratford increased their limit to four hours and the positive impact its had on the business community.

King says those who attend Blyth Festival who would be limited to just two hours would not have the proper time to explore downtown and shop local.

Deputy Reeve Trevor Siep thanked King for reaching out and said perhaps staff could look into just implementing the by-law between working hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

It was noted during discussions that there is no true parking enforcement and that it’s based it solely on a compliant driven process.

Staff will continue to work with the public as well as Blyth Festival and the Wingham BIA to continue progress regarding the bylaw.

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