The event which will be held via Zoom will help the public have a say in determining what cultural and recreation amenities they see included in the future community hub in set for Wiarton.
Meeting ID. 837 5051 4967
Passcode: 412265
Or by Phone
+1 647 374 4685 or 1 647 558 0588
Meeting ID: 837 5015 4967
Passcode: 412265
There will also be an online survey available to be filled out. It will remain available on January 19th through the South Bruce Peninsula’s Community Engagement Platform.
If you are unable to attend the session you are able to send your comments to McQueen Galloway and Associates, the consultants on the project.
You can email written comments to or by calling 905-749-2152.
The deadline for comments is January 25, 2022.