Home Shoreline News 3 Days Left to Help Raise Money to Honour our Local Healthcare...

3 Days Left to Help Raise Money to Honour our Local Healthcare Heroes

Goal of honouring Kincardine Hospital Employees has been reached so now they will also Honour those at the Hawthorne Medical Clinic.



The Fundraiser to help honour Our Local Community Healthcare Heroes has 3 days left.

The campaign is to sponsor local Kincardine BIA Bucks for a local health hero and also support our local business community at the same time.

The campaigns goal of $3500 has been reached so now the Campaign has been expanded from just honouring the Kincardine Hospital employees to also show recognition to those at the Hawthorne Medical Clinic.

EMTs to the campaign can be sent to [email protected]. Cash or cheque donations can contact the BIA at [email protected].

100% of the money donated goes into the Campaign.

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