Home Shoreline News Nasa Scientist Dr. Carrie Bridge has roots in Love of Space in...

Nasa Scientist Dr. Carrie Bridge has roots in Love of Space in Kincardine

Dr. Bridge is a Scientist working on the Mars Rover Mission Curiosity. She speaks at the Clifford Community Centre tonight at 7pm.



The Clifford Rotary Club is hosting a night with Dr. Carrie Bridge, a NASA Science Operations Team Chief, for a talk this evening starting at 7pm at the Clifford Community Centre.

Dr. Bridge says her roots in being curious about the stars above and space has their roots to Bruce County and Kincardine.

“It was at a very young age I spent a lot of time at our family cottage on Lake Huron outside of Kincarine. The night skies there, and anywhere in Southwestern Ontario, are just fantastic. Just laying outside in the backyard or at the beach at night looking up at the stars and wondering how did this all form and what is beyond the things I can see”

Dr. Bridge is a Scientist working on the Mars Rover Mission Curiosity.

To take in the talk tonight, with volunteer donations being accepted in support of Ukraine, you can find more info at the Clifford Rotary Facebook page.

Dr. Bridge is also the daughter of Town of Minto Mayor George Bridge.

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