Home Shoreline News Grey Bruce Public Health see Crow test positive for West Nile Virus

Grey Bruce Public Health see Crow test positive for West Nile Virus

This is the first bird to test positive in Grey-Bruce this year. As of August 2nd there have been no human cases of the mosquito-borne viral disease in Ontario or Nationally this year.



Grey Bruce Public Health have received confirmation that a crow found in the Region has tested positive for the West Nile Virus.

This is the first bird to test positive in Grey-Bruce this year.

As of August 2nd there have been no human cases of the mosquito-borne viral disease in Ontario or Nationally this year.

West Nile Virus circulates between birds and some species of mosquitoes. Public Health sets traps monthly, from May to September, in each Grey-Bruce municipality.

The traps are then sent to a laboratory for species identification and viral testing.

So far this year no positive mosquito pools have been identified in Grey-Bruce.

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