Home Shoreline News BDSB updates health and safety measures ahead of return

BDSB updates health and safety measures ahead of return



The Bluewater District School Board is welcoming students back on Tuesday, but before kids return, they want to share updates to health and safety measures.

The provincial government removed the requirement for a five-day isolation period after a positive COVID test this week, instead saying individuals can return to work or school after 24 hours symptom free.

The school board still strongly recommends students self-screen for symptoms daily and stay home if they’re unwell.

Director of Education Lori Wilder says students, staff, and visitors will be able to make their own decision on whether they want to wear a mask, and they are available for those who wish to wear them.

Hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette will continue to be promoted during the day with hand sanitizer available at key access points in the school. Enhanced cleaning protocols in school and on buses will also remain in place, and ventilation best practices will be followed as guided by the province.

For more information, visit www.bwdsb.on.ca.

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