Home Shoreline News Big Brothers Big Sisters seek more help during mentoring month

Big Brothers Big Sisters seek more help during mentoring month



It’s mentoring month for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Kincardine and District and the recently expanded organization needs more volunteers than ever before.

Now serving Goderich, Wingham, and Walkerton, the organization needs more mentors to help youth and they hope this January’s awareness campaign can bring more adults wanting to make an impact into the mix.

Yolanda Ritsema, executive director, says youth in the program are currently dealing with long waitlists.

“The wait time for a boy is 25 months and unfortunately, a lot of them end up aging out of our program before we’re able to match them,” she says. “Which is really too bad. We want to make sure that those young men have a positive male role model in their lives to help them learn to make wise decisions and what it means to be a responsible human in this world.”

Along with being a big sister or brother, volunteer positions include group mentoring, in-school mentoring, event volunteers or joining the board of directors. To learn more, visit kincardine.bigbrothersbigsisters.ca

Big Brothers Big Sisters will also be holding an open house on Jan. 30.

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