Home Shoreline News Bill Stewart Removed from Budget Meeting

Bill Stewart Removed from Budget Meeting



Kincardine councilor Bill Stewart was ejected from the towns budget meeting on Monday after his comments were ruled as inappropriate.

The draft budget report was brought forward which looked at a proposed 7 per cent rate increase for the municipal end for property taxes.

The budget included a list of either cost reductions or adjustments including reducing one seasonal bylaw enforcement officers, closing waste depots, removing the tall tree program and eliminating Canada Day fireworks.

Some notes in the budget which were listed as uncontrollable which councilor Bill Stewart made comments towards staff salaries and benefits being controllable.

When Mayor Craig and Stewart went back and forth, the discussion grew heated.

“Are you saying I can’t ask those tough questions? This is budget time, this is the most important thing we do on behalf of the taxpayers.” said Stewart.

Councilor Stewart continued to make comments which Craig did not tolerate and was excused from the council chamber.

Some conversation between Craig and Stewart over the budget meeting can be found below;

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