Home Shoreline News Bluewater Trailer Park Pointing Towards Closure in 2027

Bluewater Trailer Park Pointing Towards Closure in 2027



Kincardine Council has approved a motion at Wednesdays Council Meeting that seems to set the future of the Bluewater Trailer Park.

The motion saw Council reach a 3-year-agreement with Current Park Manager Lisa Stacey that sees the longtime park manager remain in charge only through the end date of the agreement on October 31st 2027.

As for why the park lease will end in three years the Muncipality provided the following statement;

“The use and future of the Bluewater Trailer Park has been discussed by the Municipality for numerous years. The Bluewater Trailer Park was part of the development of the Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan 2024. The Municipality also wanted to ensure that the users of the Trailer Park had sufficient notice to make alternate arrangements.”

Following a discussion on the topic in which the intended use for the site was discussed, Chief Administrative Officer Jillian Bellchamber-Glazier provided some insight into the reasoning behind the decision.

“I think councilor Blackwell’s comments with respect to the the purpose of the conveyance was part of the rational for getting some legal advice and what that meant for the municipality and this is the direction that staff were given.” said Glazier.

The Municipality has stated it has no plans in place at this time for the future use of the Bluewater Trailer Park following the end of the agreement in October of 2027.

In a statement with the Shoreline Classics newsroom, the municipality offered comment on working with those who utilize with trailer park when operations cease.

“The Municipality has agreed to work collaboratively with Lisa Stacey, the current Manager of the trailer park to ensure that notification is given to all users at both the start and end of the camping season in 2025 and 2026 and start of the 2027 camping season. The Municipality will draft and circulate this notification to the users of the trailer park.”

“The Municipality will also work with Lisa Stacey to determine whether mailing addresses are available for the users of the trailer park. If mailing addresses are available, the Municipality in collaboration with Lisa Stacey will send out notice in the mail at the end of the 2025 camping season. The Municipality will also work collaboratively with Lisa Stacey to do a posting on any social media utilized by the users of the Bluewater Trailer Park during the camping season.”

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