Home Shoreline News Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre opens Registration for Spring Events &...

Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre opens Registration for Spring Events & Exhibits

The events take place March through May and include March Break Family Fun jam packed with activities including magic, wildlife, and science showers and lots of on-floor programming and demos.



The Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre opened registration for its new roster of upcoming spring events & exhibits set to take place from March through May.

The season begins with a week of March Break Family Fun from March 13th to 17th.

It is jam packed with activities including magic, wildlife, and science shows and lots of on-floor programming and demos.

The ongoing Muse Talk Series prepares to go junior with a Disney Sign-along, hosted by opera singer and vocal coach Erin-Milely-Patey.

The Break Out of the Bruce Series continues with two more troups out of the County, including a visit to Stratford for the opening performance of Spamalot and to the Royal Ontario Musem in Toronto for a day of history, arts and culture.

For more upcoming events and a link to register you can find it below.


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