Home Shoreline News Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound MP Alex Ruff visits Local Farmer who received Master Breeder...

Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound MP Alex Ruff visits Local Farmer who received Master Breeder Award

Christhill Farms in Allenford recognized for having the best ratio for breeding cows that possesses the complete package – high production and outstanding confirmation, with high proficiency in reproduction, health and longevity.



Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound MP Alex Ruff took the chance on Monday to recognize in person a local farmer who has been named a Master Breeder from Holstein Canada.

He stopped by Christhill Farms in Allenford, Ontario to recognize the Bruce County Dairy Farmer for receiving the prestigious award.

It recognizes them for having the best ratio for breeding cows that possesses the complete package – high production and outstanding confirmation, with high proficiency in reproduction, health and longevity.

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