Home Shoreline News Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound MPP Byers announces new funding for Local Police Services

Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound MPP Byers announces new funding for Local Police Services

The Owen Sound Police are set to receive just over $95,000 and the West Grey Police just over $71,000.



Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound MPP Rick Byers announced new funding the Provincial Government is providing local police services to help fight crime, including auto theft.

The Owen Sound Police are set to receive just over $95,000 and the West Grey Police just over $71,000.

The funding will be used for License Plate Recognition technology, a system that consists of cameras that automatically scan license plates.

The system is installed in active-duty police cruisers and alerts officers to stolen or expired plates, or plates registered to suspended drivers.

It can also notify officers of missing or wanted persons and vehicles associated with Amber alerts.

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