Home Shoreline News Bruce Power announces its Unit 4 returned to Service on December 9th

Bruce Power announces its Unit 4 returned to Service on December 9th

The Outage began on September 9th, and featured a $130 million dollar investment to extend its life and also increase its megawatt output 5 megawatts to 855.



Bruce Power announced this morning that its Unit 4 was returned to service as of last Friday, December 9th following a 98-day planned maintenance outage.

The unit saw $130 million dollar investment to extend the life of the unit.

The outage began September 2nd and work included fuel channel inspections, and extensive turbine control upgrades.

Unit 4 is set to undergo a Major Component Replacement Outage beginning in 2025.

It gained an addition 5 megawatts of output to now have a maximum of 855 megawatts.

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