Home Shoreline News Bruce Power’s CEO Mike Rencheck heading to Paris for Industry Event on...

Bruce Power’s CEO Mike Rencheck heading to Paris for Industry Event on Growth of Nuclear

Nuclear Energy Agency Roadmaps to New Nuclear event takes place Sept 28th & 29th & will discuss how to double, or triple installed nuclear capacity worldwide to meet net zero targets.



Bruce Power President & CEO Mike Rencheck will join leaders & government officials this week in Paris, France in a groundbreaking event to discuss nuclear’s role in leading a clean energy future.

The Nuclear Energy Agency Roadmaps to New Nuclear event takes place September 28th and 29th with discussions around how to at least double, or triple installed nuclear capacity worldwide to meet net zero targets.

This is the first time senior officials & executives from NEA countries considering new nuclear power plants will come together, seeking to create conditions for success.

The invitation only event is a primer to the COP28 event being held November 28th to December 12th in Dubai.

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