Home Shoreline News Celtic College set to get underway August 1st to 4th ahead of...

Celtic College set to get underway August 1st to 4th ahead of Goderich Celtic Roots Festival

Classes cover a broad range of instruments, styles, focuses, artistic mediums and levels of experience.



The Celtic College is set get underway from August 1st to 4th. The College is a four-day immersive event held the week before the Goderich Celtic Festival on the weekend.

There are four 80 minute classes per day on the topics of music, dance and craft art taught by the artists who will be appearing at the Festival.

Classes cover a broad range of instruments, styles, focuses, artistic mediums and levels of experience.

After learning and growing as musicians throughout the college all students are then invited to attend the Friday showcase.

There is a cost to attend.

For full details and a link to register for the Celtic College ahead of the Goderich Celtic Festival you can find the link below.


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