Home Shoreline News CFUW set to Launch “Caring Benches” in Port Elgin & Southampton

CFUW set to Launch “Caring Benches” in Port Elgin & Southampton

Benches are small step to addressing issue of loneliness & isolation in the Community.



The Canadian Federation of University Women announced today that its Caring Committee has taken a small step towards addressing the issue of loneliness and isolation with caring benches.

The benches are soon to be installed in Southampton and Port Elgin.

The CFUW says they are for everyone, young, old, rich, poor, happy, sad, lonely and not so lonely.

They will be located at Coulter Parkette in Port Elgin and by the Art School in Southampton.

They will be bright blue in colour and a brass plaque which reads “Spend time.. Share time”.

There will be a dedication ceremony for the two benches on Thursday, September 1st at 10 in Port Elgin and on Wednesday, September 7th at 10 am in Southampton.

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