Home Shoreline News Child care rates changing for Bruce County

Child care rates changing for Bruce County



Bruce County child care centres are moving from hourly to daily rates next year, as costs continue to be reduced through a new federal program.

Starting next year, licensees who opted-in to Ontario’s Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care system and reduced their fees by 25% in 2022, will receive further funding to further reduce their fees for parents of eligible children by 37%.

Currently, 18 of 20 licensees in Bruce County, operating 37 sites, have opted in to the system.

Along with having fees reduced for eligible families, childcare will no longer be charged at a $5/hour rate, instead flat daily rates will be implemented in a move Bruce County says will streamline the process involved in administering CWELCC payments.

Based on analysis by county staff, they say the moves will not financially impact parents or home child care providers.

See the full list of daily rates below.

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