Home Shoreline News Council Appealing to Government for Full Carbon Tax Reimbursement Costs

Council Appealing to Government for Full Carbon Tax Reimbursement Costs



Brockton Council is making their voices heard against the federal carbon tax.

Councilor Steve Travale put forward a motion to council this week to request the Government of Canada make an efficient administrative program for municipalities to get the full reimbursement on direct carbon tax costs incurred to provide essential and public safety programs and services.

This would include fuel purchases for the fleet and equipment as well as natural gas costs for heating facilities.

Mayor Chris Peabody says after taking a quick look, how much they pay in the carbon tax for heating in some facilities is quite high.

“Heating on the carbon tax this year for the arena was $10,000 and we have a number of natural gas accounts, we have nine of them. I averaged out just that one so that would probably be our leading natural gas usage but there’s others such as our recycling centre up at the old MTO building so it would add up.” said Peabody.

Councilor Travale shared over social media that Councilor Carr of Belleville who had made a similar motion recent to their council.

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