A boost for emergency preparedness practices in Grey, Bruce and Huron County’s is moving with Bruce Power as they update its Community Safety Guide and prepare for distribution of potassium iodide (KI) tablets.
The guide, done in partnership with Kincardine, neighbouring counties and local health units will arrive at homes across the community in the coming months.
Further, improvements are being made to the Be Prepared website, distribution of KI tablets within a 10 kilometre radius of the Bruce Power site and upgrades to the public emergency notification tools are planned.
KI tablets are used to protect the thyroid gland from radioactive iodine which could be released in the air in the event of a radio-logical emergency.
Jeff Steven, Bruce Power’s Division Manager, Emergency and Protective Services says while its highly unlikely KI tablets would ever be needed, they want to reassure people they are readily available.
Those getting a package of KI tablets will also get a safety guide on how to safely dispose of previously stored KI.