Home Shoreline News Final leg of Paramedic Ride leaves Port Elgin today

Final leg of Paramedic Ride leaves Port Elgin today



The Paramedic Ride will continue its journey through Bruce County this morning, departing Port Elgin around 8 a.m.

This Memorial Ride, featuring 50 cyclists and five ambulances representing Paramedic Services from across Ontario, is traveling from Windsor to Tobermory on a four-day cycling trek.

The goal is to strengthen the Paramedic community and commemorating those who have lost their lives in the line-of-duty. Funds raised will support the Canadian Paramedic Memorial Foundation, Boots on the Ground, and Camp F.A.C.E.S (through the Canadian Critical Incident Stress Foundation).

The ride travelled through Kincardine yesterday afternoon and stopped in Saugeen Shores around 4 p.m.

To see the route they’re travelling this morning, visit www.strava.com

Please be aware that traffic on the route will not be impeded but may be slowed down.

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