Home Shoreline News Georgian Bluffs urges Everyone to Secure Loads being Transported on Area Roads

Georgian Bluffs urges Everyone to Secure Loads being Transported on Area Roads

This will prevent debris from coming off and minimize potential hazards on the road and they ask that drivers make sure all loads are tarped & tied down.



The Township of Georgian Bluffs is taking a proactive stance on road safety by urging area drivers to secure loads that are being transported in vehicles and trailers.

This will prevent debris from coming off and minimize potential hazards on the road.

To ensure the safety of all road users they ask that drivers make sure all loads are tarped & tied down.

They also ask that before you depart that you take the time to inspect everything.

The OPP and MTO are actively enforcing regulations under the Highway Traffic Act.

The Township is committed to creating a safe environment for all road users and appreciates everyone’s cooperation and support in achieving the goal.

For more information on the initiative as well as a link the regulations involved you can visit the Township’s website below.


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