Home Shoreline News Goderich Free Little Pantry encouraging use of southern shelves

Goderich Free Little Pantry encouraging use of southern shelves

As demand increases, organizers say the pantry located at the corner of Bennett and Eldon Street is getting less use than others



The Goderich Free Little Pantry program has been so popular in the few months since its launch, their growing team of volunteers has had a tough time keeping shelves stocked.

Though they have close to 40 volunteers helping with administration and stocking, the demand has been so high, they recently had to put out a statement directing users to other food banks and meal programs in the area, should the pantry they visit be out of items.

Founder Avery Greaves says one of their pantries is getting far less use than others.

“The two at the tourism centre and the library are the most heavily-utilized. We could restock those and within an hour they’re emptied again, whereas the one over by (John O’Keefe Field) is actually the least utilized,” she says. “That one is very community-driven… and I’ve actually noticed that some items could sit in that pantry for a week or so before they’re ever taken.”

If you want to learn more about the program, visit goderichfreelittlepantry.com.

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