Home Shoreline News Gran Fondo Bike Fundraiser Set for Saturday

Gran Fondo Bike Fundraiser Set for Saturday



There’s plenty to look forward to this weekend all in support of the Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation.

The Gran Fondo is taking place on Saturday on Lake Huron, a 30km bike ride which has sparked up some friendly competition.

The Saugeen Shores Winterhawks and Saugeen Shores Fire Department are competing in with whoever can raise the most funds will watch as the opposing team wears the others equipment.

Graham Martin, Executive Director of the Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation says last year the event was well attended with plenty raised.

“Through the Gran Fondo event we raised about $470,000 and while we were doing the wrap up of the event Bruce Power jumped in and added to what they had already given and topped it up to an even $500,000” said Martin.

The weekend is also complete with a Wild West Casino Night fundrasier and Sunday Kids Ride.

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