Home Shoreline News Green Goderich organzing Tree Planting Event on Hays Tract for May 14th

Green Goderich organzing Tree Planting Event on Hays Tract for May 14th

All skill levels and ages are welcome to take part. They just ask that you bring work gloves, a shovel, spade or trowel and possible a few for sharing as well as well as closed toe shoes.



Green Goderich, a grassroots environmental action group aimed at inspiring and supporting the environment, are organizing an upcoming tree planting event on May 14th.

The location of the planting on the Hays Tract located just off Highway 21 on the west end of Union Road.

All skill levels and ages are welcome to take part. They just ask that you bring work gloves, a shovel, spade or trowel and possible a few for sharing as well as well as closed toe shoes. They remind to dress for the weather.

Green Goderich will be planting seedlings as well as some larger, mature native trees.

For more information on Green Goderich or the upcoming Tree Planting event you can find the group on Facebook.

The event is set for 10 am until noon.

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