Home Shoreline News Grey Bruce OPP catch Ottawa driver going 145 km in an 80...

Grey Bruce OPP catch Ottawa driver going 145 km in an 80 zone in Chatsworth

Stunt Driving charge was changed April 1st, 2022 whereby a driver convicted must now complete & pay for mandatory driver improvement course within 60 days of conviction or license is cancelled.



The Grey Bruce OPP have charged an Ottawa driver after catching them driving 145 km in a posted 80 zone in Chatsworth.

The incident happened on Highway 10 and resulted in the 25-year-old having their license suspended for 30 days and their car impounded 14 days in addition to a provincial court date to answer to the charge.

The charge of Stunt Driving was changed on April 1st, 2022 whereby a driver convicted must now complete & pay for a mandatory driver improvement course within 60 days of conviction or their license is cancelled.

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