Home Shoreline News Grey Bruce OPP investigating Break & Enter in Meaford early Tuesday Morning

Grey Bruce OPP investigating Break & Enter in Meaford early Tuesday Morning

Officers called to scene at business on Highway 6 & 10 and found sometime between 4 and 6am two individuals broke a metal gate and entered the property with around $2,000 worth of property stolen.



The Grey Bruce OPP are investigating a break and enter that occurred in Meaford early Tuesday morning.

Officers were called to the scene on September 26th at a business on Highway 6 & 10 and found that sometime between 4 and 6am two individuals broke a metal gate and entered the property.

Around $2,000 worth of property was stolen.

Police have shares photos of the suspects captured on security video.

If anyone has any information that could assist in the investigation they are asked to contact the OPP or anonymously to Crimestoppers.

Lambton College – Custom Box
Bruce Telecom Custom
Inn at the Harbour Kincardine – Custom Box