Home Shoreline News Grey Bruce OPP welcome new Detachment Commander Paul Richardson

Grey Bruce OPP welcome new Detachment Commander Paul Richardson

Richardson has been a member of the OPP for 21 years, serving as Detachment Commander of former Bruce Peninsula OPP prior to amalgamation between Grey and Bruce Counties.



The Grey Bruce OPP announced today it is proud to introduce its new Detachment Commander Inspector Paul Richardson.

They say that Inspector Richardson has been a member of the OPP for 21 years, serving as Detachment Commander of the former Bruce Peninsula OPP prior to the amalgamation between Grey and Bruce Counties.

They add that he has worked in many areas throughout his career, and he brings a wealth of knowledge and experience from these roles including Crime, Street Crime, Frontline Supervisor, Operations Manager, and Marine Operator.

He also spent time as the Operational Support Inspector at the OPP West Region Headquarters.

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