Home Shoreline News Kincardine Chamber set to Host Breakfast with Mayor Craig at The Bruce...

Kincardine Chamber set to Host Breakfast with Mayor Craig at The Bruce in Downtown Mar. 29th

Attendees will enjoy a hot breakfast, provided by The Bruce, and have the opportunity to speak with Mayor Craig and several councillors, who will also be in attendance.



Kincardine Mayor Ken Craig is preparing host his first Mayor’s Breakfast on March 29th at the Bruce Inn.

The event is hosted by the Kincardine Chamber of Commerce and sponsored by Nicol Insurance.

Attendees will enjoy a hot breakfast, provided by The Bruce, and have the opportunity to speak with Mayor Craig and several councillors, who will also be in attendance.

Doors open at 7:15 and time will be provided for attendees to socialize before breakfast is served.

Both Chamber and Non-Chamber members are invited to attend.

Tickets are $20 for members and $25 for non-members and can be purchased by emailing director@kincardinechamber.com.

Seating is limited.

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