Home Shoreline News Kincardine Council votes to support preparing report on options for Community Safety...

Kincardine Council votes to support preparing report on options for Community Safety at Kincardine Township-Tiverton PS

Residents have written to council to voice concerns of safety due to excessive speeding and lack of a turning lane at school entrance & exits located on Highway 21.



The Municipality of Kincardine at its Council Meeting on Monday saw a motion brought forward on the topic of a Community Safety Zone.

The area in question was the entrance and exits of Kincardine Township-Tiverton Public School.

It’s location on Highway 21 has a posted limit of 80 km.

Residents have written to council to voice concerns of safety due to excessive speeding and lack of a turning lane at the school.

Councillor Stewart says the MTO needs to get involved.

“I’ve seen too many close calls. I drive there all the time so I can highly support this.”

The motion was to prepare a report on how to advocate for safety on the Highway covering the areas north and south of the school and options including lowering speed limits at the start & end of the school day and improved turning infrastructure.

The motion was passed by Council.

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