Home Shoreline News Kincardine Downtown Dig sees Project Moving into Phase 2

Kincardine Downtown Dig sees Project Moving into Phase 2

The Lakeside Downtown Kincardine BIA is sharing updates daily to provide where crossing locations are located to permit the crossing of Queen Street at safe locations.



The Downtown Dig is reaching the final stages of Phase 1 of the Reconstruction Project on Queen Street in Downtown Kincardine.

Daryl Young, Project Manager of the Downtown Dig for Lavis Contracting gives an update on what is going on.

“We got some electrical work happening next week, maybe at the end of this week. Then we hopefully get into the curb and sidewalks. Phase 2 is going r eal well. WE are getting into servicing there and some sewer work.”

The Lakeside Downtown Kincardine BIA is sharing updates daily to provide where crossing locations are located at to permit the crossing of Queen Street at safe locations.

They have also launched some large yellow crossing flags to make them more visible.

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