Home Shoreline News Kincardine Naturalization Projects holding Raffle for Tree Planting at Savage Park

Kincardine Naturalization Projects holding Raffle for Tree Planting at Savage Park

Draw has over $2,5000 in prizes to be won with tickets $25 each or 2 for $40. The draw date is March 16th at noon.



The Kincardine Naturalization Projects have a Savage Park Raffle with a week to go before they draw the winners of $2,500 in total value in prizes.

The money is support of the tree planning at Savage Park set for May of this year.

They are aiming to plant native trees, bushes, grasses and wildflower with some having edible fruit, nuts or berries.

They are also building and placing bird and bat houses.

Tickets for the raffle are $25 each or 2 for $40.

The draw date is March 16th at noon.

For more information you can visit the Kincardine Naturalization Projects Facebook page or kincardinetrees.com.

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