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Kincardine set to Hold events on March 8th to Info on Upcoming Downtown Dig

Public Drop-In Open House is being held from 3 to 5 and 6 to 8 pm at the Davidson Centre.



The Municipality of Kincardine is providing an update to downtown businesses via a BIA Meeting set for Wednesday, March 8th in the morning. Members can reach out to the Downtown Development manager Amanda for the info about the meeting.

The greater Kincardine community can attend an upcoming public event on March 8th to get fully informed on the Downtown Dig Project. Community & Economic Development Coordinator Cherie Leslie provides some details.

“We have a community open house being planned. It’s a come and go drop-in event. We will have BM Ross there. They are the engineer as well as Lavis Contracting. They are the contractor working on the project. People can come in and learn more about the project.”

The Public Open House is on March 8th from 3 to 5pm and 6 to 8pm at the Davidson Centre in Kincardine.

There is also a Blinky’s Bask Downtown Dig Kickoff on March 18th from 1 to 4pm on Queen Street.

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