Home Shoreline News Kincardine undertaking Hydrant & Distribution System Flushing beginning April 24th in Tiverton

Kincardine undertaking Hydrant & Distribution System Flushing beginning April 24th in Tiverton

Reducing your water use during flushing hours help minimize the amount of sediment and discolouration introduced into your household system.



The Municipality of Kincardine will be undertaking hydrant & distribution system flushing between  8 am and 4:30 pm starting April 24th and running to May 12th in Tiverton.

Kincardine including Huronville and the pipeline to Inverhuron will be done May 15th to August 11th.

Periods of discolouration may occur during flushing.

Reducing your water use during flushing hours help minimize the amount of sediment and discolouration introduced into your household system.

Flush your cold water taps for several minutes and clean any screens or filters after distribution flushing has occurred.

Run taps until water clears prior to doing any laundry.

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