Home Shoreline News Kincarding holding Public Info Centre on Possible Expansion of Water & Waste...

Kincarding holding Public Info Centre on Possible Expansion of Water & Waste Water System

The reason for the possible expansion is to address potential community growth in the area, and to consider a possible extension to Bruce Power. 



The Municipality of Kincardine has retained Stantec Consulting to complete a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment to identify options for expanding the Kincardine Water System & Waste Treatment Plant.

The options as presented at a previous Public Information Centre include expanding the waste treatment plate within the existing site, a booster pumping station along the existing watermain and extension of the system 1.1 km north to the Bruce Power boundary.

A second Public Information Centre is being held next Monday, July 24th at Council Chambers from 6 to 8 pm.

It will offer a chance to provide an update on study progress, the next phase of evaluating the alternative designs and identify the preliminary preferred alternate concept.

The reason for the possible expansion is to address potential community growth in the area, and to consider a possible extension to Bruce Power.

Comments are being accepted until August 8th.

Full details on the Info Centre and Environmental Assessment are available below.


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