Home Shoreline News Line Painting Set for Road in Ripley and Point Clark Lighthouse Parking...

Line Painting Set for Road in Ripley and Point Clark Lighthouse Parking Lot Tomorrow

Huron Street in Ripley will see line painting between 5 and 9 am tomorrow morning while the parking lot at the Point Clark Lighthouse will see the same between 8:30 and 9:30 am.



Residents and visitors to Ripley and the Point Clark Lighthouse Parking Lot should be aware that the Township of Huron-Kinloss is set for line painting tomrorow morning in both areas.

Huron Street in Ripley will see line painting between 5 and 9 am tomorrow morning while the parking lot at the Point Clark Lighthouse will see the same between 8:30 and 9:30 am.

Vehicles cannot be parked in these areas while work is being completed.

The Township says they appreciate the cooperation of anyone impacted.


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