Home Shoreline News Maitland Conservation Authority Hosting Open Houses July 18th on Hazard Mapping of...

Maitland Conservation Authority Hosting Open Houses July 18th on Hazard Mapping of the Shoreline

The two sessions at 9 am and 2pm in Goderich will cover updated mapping of existing shoreline hazards within the jurisdiction.



The Maitland Conservation Authority reminded residents of two upcoming Open House sessions on Monday, July 18th at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Goderich.

The two sessions at 9 am and 2pm will cover updated mapping of existing shoreline hazards within the jurisdiction.

Shoreline hazard mapping is used to plan safe development outside the hazard, regulate development with and educate first responders for flooding and bluff erosion events.

The project got underway last year and meeting July 18th is provide information on progress to date.

For more information you can find the link below.

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