Home Shoreline News Driver succumbs to injuries from June 15 collision

Driver succumbs to injuries from June 15 collision

The driver is identified as Sheldon McKee, 37 years old of Saugeen Shores



A June 15 collision has now become a fatal car crash investigation for South Bruce OPP, after a Saugeen Shores resident succumbed to injuries from the incident.

The deceased driver was identified as 37-year-old Sheldon McKee, who passed away from injuries on August 22.

Officers were called to the scene along Bruce County Road 3 just before 11 pm on reports of the collision of two vehicles and livestock that were determined to be on the roadway at the time of the collision.

McKee was airlifted to hospital.

The South Bruce OPP continue to investigate the collision with the assistance of the West Region Traffic Incident Management and Enforcement Team.

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