Home Shoreline News PDCoV detected on a Hog Farm in Huron County

PDCoV detected on a Hog Farm in Huron County

Virus affects all pigs and Often Fatal in Newborns 7 to 10 days and not considered a Food Safety Issue.



Swine Health Ontario has reported a case of Porcine Deltacoronavirus (PDCoV) at a pig farm in Huron County.

The case was reported at a Farrow-to-wean Pig Farm on November 29th.

PDCoV symptoms are similar to Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus and is often fatal to newborn pics under 7 to 10 days, but does not affect other species including humans and is not a food safety issue.

For more information on PDCoV and PED you can visit swinehealthontario.ca.

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