Home Shoreline News Police offer tips for Encounters with Bears around Homes, Cottages, Campgrounds &...

Police offer tips for Encounters with Bears around Homes, Cottages, Campgrounds & Hiking

If a bear poses an immediate threat to personal safety and is exhibiting threating or aggressive behavior to call 911 or local police. Otherwise call Bear Wise Reporting Line.



The Grey Bruce OPP reminds everyone of what to do if they have a bear sighting around homes, cottages, campgrounds and while hiking.

They say if a bear poses an immediate threat to personal safety and is exhibiting threating or aggressive behavior to call 911 or local police.

They will only response to emergency situations such as them entering a school yard while in session, stalking or linger on a site, trying to enter a home or killing livestock or pets.

If it is a non-emergency situation, they say to call the Bear Wise Reporting Line at 1-866-514-2327.

This includes such things as bears roaming around, checking garbage cans, breaking in a shed, bird feeder or BBQ or moving through an area but not lingering.

More information is available from the Bear Wise website.


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