Home Shoreline News Road closures Remembrance Day morning in Paisley

Road closures Remembrance Day morning in Paisley



There will be road closures in Paisley on Friday morning for their local Remembrance Day service at the cenotaph.

Bruce Road 3 will be shutdown from 10 a.m. to noon, impacting access to the Goldie Street bridge as well as Church Street.

Bruce County also notes that:

  • Queen Street at Inkerman Street (Bruce Road #1) will be closed. Detouring cars are to move east on Inkerman Street, north on Albert Street, west on Water Street, and exiting east on Goldie Street (Bruce Road 11).
  • Queen Street at Rowe Street will be closed.
  • Goldie Street at the Temporary Bridge will be closed for all traffic going west. This will be an outlet for Water Street eastbound.

Signage, barricades, and a detour will be in place during this short-term closure.

The temporary bridge connecting Goldie Street and Church Street will remain open during the service.

The county thanks residents for their patience and understanding as the service is underway.

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