Home Shoreline News Rotary Southampton Donates $1000 towards Ukranian Humanitarian Effort

Rotary Southampton Donates $1000 towards Ukranian Humanitarian Effort

Donation is split equally between the Canadian Red Cross Ukranian Reilef Fund and the Rotary Foundation Fund for Disaster Reilief Grants for by European Rotary Clubs in their efforts in the Ukraine.



The Rotary Club of Southampton’s International Service Committee at their March 9th meeting approved a series of measures to immediately release $1000 to support urgent humanitarian efforts in the Ukraine.

The club’s donation is split between $500 to the Canadian Red Cross Ukranian Relief Fund which are being donation matched by the Federal Government and secondly $500 to the Rotary Foundation Fund for Disaster Relief Grants for European Rotary Clubs in their efforts in the Ukraine.

The committee also made the decision to monitor and evaluate other avenues of aid over the coming months and perhaps years to determine how to best provide further help & assistance as the full consequences of the crisis unfolds.

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