Home Shoreline News Saugeen Shores announces Closure of Bricker Street from Barnes Avenue to Lloyd...

Saugeen Shores announces Closure of Bricker Street from Barnes Avenue to Lloyd Street

Construction project includes new sanitary sewer, watermain, storm drainage. Project is expected to last until mid-to-late August.



The Town of Saugeen Shores announced today that Bricker street from Barnes Avenue to Lloyd Street has been closed for construction.

The project consists of replacement of the gravity sanitary sewer, replacing the existing watermain, installing storm drainage and fully restoring ashalt, curbs and sidewalks.

Barnes Avenue, Maple Drive an Wellington Street from the southern end until Peirson Avenue are open for local traffic.

Construction is expected to last until mid-to-late August.

The Town says they appreciate residents patience as they carry out the important work.

For full details you can visit the Town of Saugeen Shores website at the link below.


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