Home Shoreline News Saugeen Shores dealing with Forecast 2030 Closure of Southampton Landfill

Saugeen Shores dealing with Forecast 2030 Closure of Southampton Landfill

2022 report indicates town saw diversion of waste increase 3 percent year to 42 percent last year but use of site has more than doubled since 2019.



The Town of Saugeen Shores is combating an approaching end of life of its Southampton landfill as diversion efforts of waste are not reducing their reliance on the facility.

A recent update on Waste Management by the town indicated the site on Concession 14 would be full by 2030 without a planned expansion.

The issue with it growing is the extensive environmental process required for it to happen.

The 2022 report indicated that the town saw its diversion of waste increase 3 percent year over year to 42 percent last year but it still sits below the provincial average of nearly 50 percent.

One issue in this process is construction waste.

The Town has seen its tipping fee for unsorted waste rise to $389.54 per tonne as compared to just $121.73 per tonne for sorted waste.

This while use of the facility more than doubled since 2019.

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