Home Shoreline News Saugeen Shores Police offer tips on Preventing being Victims of Fraud

Saugeen Shores Police offer tips on Preventing being Victims of Fraud

Frauds can appear in many different forms from online or electronic to contractor and sales frauds to name just a few.



The Saugeen Shores Police are reminding residents that there are people who want to steal their hard-earned money through fraud.

They offered steps they can take to protect themselves and their assets.

They include knowing the source of a message, remembering that banks or government agencies will never ask them to pay them in Crypto or iTunes gift cards, to always use strong passwords online and to tell a friend or family of what they are doing.

If someone pretending to be a bank or institution calls make sure to call them back and report anything strange to police.

Frauds can appear in many different forms from online or electronic to contractor and sales frauds to name just a few.

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