Home Shoreline News Saugeen Shores to hand over land to Saugeen Ojibway Nation as part...

Saugeen Shores to hand over land to Saugeen Ojibway Nation as part of land claim settlement



A portion of land in Southampton is being transferred over to Saugeen Ojibway Nation.

The 1.7-hectare of land is located on Turner Street north of the river.

Saugeen Shores Council approved a motion to declare the parcel of land surplus at Monday’s committee of the whole meeting.

Mayor Luke Charbonneau says this land transfer is part of a negotiated land claim settlement between the two parties last September.



There is a pumping station on the subject land that will remain the property of the Town.

Charbonneau says there are still a few hurdles that need to be cleared before the land transfer is complete.

He says he is glad they were able to settle this dispute and not have to further put staff resources into fighting this claim in court.

Left to right – Chief Lester Anoquot, Saugeen First Nation, Chief Veronica Smith, Chippewas of Nawash, and Mayor Luke Charbonneau, Saugeen Shores.


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