Home Shoreline News Saugeen Track and Field Club girls break national records

Saugeen Track and Field Club girls break national records

The team, consisting of Ava Moric, Claire Rands, Kara Tichbourne and Brooklyn Quanz, broke the Canadian records for Under 18, 20 and 23 age groups

Photo left to right, Claire Rand, Kara Tichbourne, Ava Moric, Brooklyn Quanz.


Photo left to right, Claire Rand, Kara Tichbourne, Ava Moric, Brooklyn Quanz.

The Saugeen Track and Field Club Under 18 girls relay team broke Canadian records for several age classes, as well as the provincial record for all ages, for the Distance Medley Relay at a meet in Hamilton last week.

The team, consisting of Ava Moric (Hanover), Claire Rands (Tara), Kara Tichbourne (Meaford) and Brooklyn Quanz (Port Elgin) broke the Canadian records for Under 18, 20 and 23 age groups.

The Distance Medley Relay is a four person track race made up of 1200m, 400m, 800m and 1600m. The race, conducted in very rainy conditions in Hamilton, resulted in the Saugeen girls team shattering all of these existing records by 10 to 30 seconds.

The girls record-setting time was 11:54.71 to cover 4000m.

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