Home Shoreline News Saugeen Valley Conservation issues Watershed & Shoreline Conditions Statement

Saugeen Valley Conservation issues Watershed & Shoreline Conditions Statement

The Authority says flooding is not expected, but rivers could reach or exceed bankful conditions with minor flooding in low-lying areas.



The Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority advised today that an intense, widespread winter storm is forecast for Ontario starting today.

The system is expected to bring 10 to 15 mm of rain today before transitioning to snow as a cold-front moves through the region.

Forecasts suggest snowfall amounts of 60 to 70 cm between tomorrow and Sunday evening.

At this time, sustained winds of 60 to 70 km and as high as 110 km expected.

The Authority says flooding is not expected, but rivers could reach or exceed bankful conditions with minor flooding in low-lying areas.

Rapid changing temperatures pose a risk of rail ice development which could block waterways.

They advise to stay away from all watercourses.

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