Home Shoreline News South Bruce OPP says in Warmer Weather its better to Leave Furry...

South Bruce OPP says in Warmer Weather its better to Leave Furry Friends at Home

In the criminal code of Canada, there are sections that deal with the mistreatment of animals including causing unnecessary suffering, endangering an animal, or neglecting an animal.



With the warmer weather upon us the South Bruce OPP is reminding area drivers that leaving animals in a vehicle on a hot day isn’t just not recommended, it is also the law.

South Bruce OPP Inspector Krista Miller explains how the law works with animals.

“With the criminal code of Canada, there are sections that deal with the mistreatment of animals. Leaving them in a hot care is included in those categories. So those are causing unnecessary suffering, endangering an animal, or neglecting an animal.”

Police say if someone comes upon an animal locked in a car with its windows up the options range from calling the non-emergency for police, to forcing entry into a vehicle to get an animal out.

There are some protections for those that do break into vehicles under the provincial animal welfare services act.

The best action is to call police if an animal is in imminent danger.

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